
3 Question Blog 4/20/18

What have I completed lately? -I have completed worksheets and notes on endothermic and exothermic reactions, as well as a test, and a POGIL about Mole Ratios. What have I learned recently? -I have learned extensively about endothermic and exothermic reactions. Exothermic reactions release energy to make bonds (temperature increases), and in endothermic reactions enegry is absorbed and gained to break bonds (temperature decrease). I have also learned about Mole Ratios and what their purpose is when it comes to chemical reactions. What will I do to further my learning? -I will continue to ask questions in class, and be attentive in class. I will also study if I am struggling to grasp any concepts covered in class.

3 Question Blog 4/6/18

What have I completed lately? -We have completed a lab on reaction rates, it involved four different experiments. We also completed a POGIL and a foldable on types of chemical reactions, balancing reactions, and notes on reactions and variables that affect rate of reaction. What have I learned recently? -Lately I have learned about the things that can cause a difference of reaction rates. Some of these include an increase in surface area, adding concentration to reactants, increasing the temperature, and adding a catalyst. What will I do to further my learning? -I will continue to ask questions in class when they arise and research things if I have further questions on the various subjects.

3 Question Blog 2/16

1. Recently I have completed notes, a foldable, half sheets, and a lab about Moles. I have also done done worksheets on formula weights. 2. Recently I have learned about moles, a mole is a quantity or unit of measure rather than a mass. So for example a mole of H2O is 18.02g, this number represents how many grams it takes for their to be 6.022x10^22 particles in the H2O. 6.022x10^22 is Avogadro's number is a constant which represents the mole. 3. To further my learning I will continue to ask questions and do my work in class and study material I don't understand fully.

3 Question Blog 2/2

1. Recently I have completed a POGILs on Polyatomic atoms, Ionic compounds, and also Molecular compounds. I have also completed a foldable and a lab about the VSEPR model. 2. I have learned about naming molecular, ionic, and polyatomic compounds. Also i have learned about VSEPR. VSEPR stands for V alence S hell E lectron P air R epulsion theory. It means that since electrons repel each other they will be repulsed to the furthest possible distance away from one another within the limits of their bond. Unbounded electrons take up more space than bonded electrons. 3. To improve my learning I will continue to ask questions if I am having trouble understanding the material.

3 Question Blog 1/19/18

1. What tasks have you completed recently? - Recently I have completed notes and a lab on Molecular Shape and Structure. I have also completed assignments/practice for creating Lewis Structures. 2. What have you learned recently? - I have learned many things over the past two weeks. I learned about Lewis Structures, how to create them, the rules involved, and as well as its purpose. Lewis structures are 2d representations of molecules. They help show an element or bond's electrons. I have also learned about VSEPR theory which is the that electrons will always move to the furthest possible place within the limits of a bond due to the repulsion between the electrons. 3. What are you planning on doing next to improve your understanding or reinforce your learning? - I plan on bettering my understanding by continuing to ask questions in class and practice making and remembering the rules for Lewis Structures.

3 Question Blog 12/8

What tasks have you completed recently? - I completed a periodic table review, a coloring packet of  the periodic table, Chemical Bonding Lab, and a Unit 4 test. What have you learned recently? - I've learned about atomic radius, electronegativiy, ionization energy. Atomic Radius is the distance of an elements nucleus to their valence electron, ionization energy is the energy needed to remove an electron from an element, and electonnegativity is the tendency of element to attract a bonding pair of electrons. All these things are caused due to the force of attraction from the nucleus. They also all follow patterns within the Periodic Table. What are you planning yo do to further your understanding? - I plan on studying and reviewing these different terms to help remind myself of the patterns and definition of them.

3 Question Blog 11/10

What tasks have you completed recently? - We completed an electron configuration envelope activity, we had a test over unit 3, and did a periodic table review. What have you learned? - We learned about Periodicity and what makes something periodic and the difference of something that is quasi-periodic. I learned why the periodic table is set up and organized the way it is. What are you planning on doing next to improve my understanding? - I plan on focusing more on the periodic table and try to further understand the periodic table and the patterns within it, so I can have a clearer idea of what elements' characteristics are and how they are similar to other elements around them.