Exploring Changes in Matter
The purpose of this lab was to tell see and be able to discern the difference between Changes in Matter and tell whether they are physical or chemical changes. We ran several different experiments to gain our information. During our investigation we experimented with 1st- H20 and table salt mixed. 2nd- a small wad of copper was heated. 3rd- 5 drops of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and 5 drops of copper nitrate (Cu(NO3)2) mixed. 4th- 5 drops of hydrochloric acid (HCI) are added to 2g of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3). 5th- Paraffin wax is subjected to heat in a hot water bath. We ran these different experiments to get practice at knowing whether something is physical or chemical. Our claim was that The #1-H2O mixed with NaCl, and the #2-Paraffin wax in the hot-water bath are both physical changes. #3The small wad of copper subjected to heat, #4 the NaOH and CuNO32 mixed, #5The HCI and NaHCO3 mixed, are all chemical changes. The evidence for this is listed down below. Physical #1- The ...